Receive Healing MOMENTUM Into Each DAY...
45 Day In-The-Background STT Healing Prayer Transmissions
Receive DAILY Profound Healing
Let Me Do the Heavy Lifting For What You Want...
  • 45 Days of Remote Healing & Transformation -  you will be receiving accelerated healing activated using STT Prayer Healing Frequencies as you go bout your day.
  • You Don't Have To Do Anything​- SIMPLY RECEIVE. You don't have to show up in any way, just let me tap into you each day and provide powerful healing transmission support.
  • Layer in the Healing Frequencies Over & Over Each Day - Let me take over and support you and create a 45-day momentum of profound healing to take you to the NEXT LEVEL.
  • AND you can enroll your pet's - if you have a pet that needs extra support go ahead and do this for them. [NOTE this is a separate enrollment for you pet... if you put your pet's name in you will NOT receive the transmissions (unless you purchase separately).]
[Know that your first healing will take place immediately... I am pinged when you join and do a special initiation right there.]
The Easy Button Of Tranformation
Your Chance to Build A POWERFUL Momentum of Healing As I Support your EVERY DAY with Profound and Potent In-the-Background Transformation...
**NEW** $197 NOW Only $77
Deep Sacred DAILY Remote Healing Transmissions
The minute you enroll, and then for 45 Days, you will have ME in your corner, performing my Spontaneous Transformation prayer healings, remotely.

EVERY SINGLE DAY I will be holding you personally in your light, supporting you with transformational frequencies.  


You DON'T have to attend anything. 

You DON'T even have to think about it. 

I will be doing this sacred healing on you each day remotely, in the background, as you go about your day. 

Imagine who you might be after 45 days of me working with you each and every day. 

I can take over, so you can let go to me the things you’ve wanted to change. I will be there supporting, healing, transforming and activating the best version of you. 

And layering the Spontaneous Transformation healing frequencies over and over, building strength and power in your mental, emotional and physical bodies. 
QUESTION: What Exactly Are You Doing?
This is part of my STT prayer healing work… I have done prayer healing work in large groups for tens of thousands for 9 years, and for this program, instead of once a month it is daily. 

I take a 25 - 30 minutes a day and tap into those registered including you... and I  also tap into the group many times a day. 

Know that there is alway a soul group that joins these kinds of programs at any given time.

Plus, there is a really good reason for the exact dynamic of conditions of each individual that is joining. 

The highest good for those souls participating are always present (and in my intention) which allows me to work on what’s best for each in this group dynamic as I both dig in personally and to the group.

AND because it is daily I get to work on the topics that show up each day laying in directed powerful healing each day.
Order 45 Days Of Remote Healing Transmissions ONLY $77:
Billing Address
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Name of person receiving:
If this is for your pet... add your pet's name below:
[NOTE this is a separate enrollment for you pet... if you put your pet's name in you will NOT receive the transmissions (unless you purchase separately for you).]
Dynamically Updated
By clicking here you are agreeing to the terms and conditions
OR... Pay Using PayPal Below...
Frequently Asked Questions...
Question: Why Do I NEED THIS?
ANSWER: Remember, the mindset and the deep subconscious beliefs that have put you where you're at, are NOT the energy that can take you into what you are now seeking. You MUST change your energy, your mind, and your beliefs in order to create the most expanded next version of you. So for the next 45 days you will receive the highest frequencies of healing beckoning your best self forward. Also know that you are a wayshower that you are here to bring these much needed frequencies to the planet at this time. this support will help you dod that.
Question: What exactly are you doing with me in the background?
ANSWER: I will be tapping into you and the enrolled group EACH DAY. I follow the energy of healing that is required in the moment for you and the group. AND similar to my now famous Prayer Circles, where I access the energy of each of the tens of thousands and then guide the energy to wholeness, I will be doing that for this much smaller group, and for you. So I will be honoring your current energy into healing, and moving your circumstances, as I also support the soul group energies that are important and most helpful to address.
Question: Will this overwhelm me, I can't risk a healing crisis?
ANSWER: NO, The strong intention is held (and cannot be swayed) that you are receiving EXACTLY what you need... no more or less than is required for you at this time. In other words your are FULLY supported for what you need right now.
Question: Are there particular times of day, and amount of time will you be doing this each day for the 45 days?
ANSWER: I don't have a specific time I'm doing this deep healing work with you, but it is generally the morning for about 30 - 45 minutes. But also know that I go into the healing energies 3 - 4 times more per day here and there as guidance taps me to do so.
Question: What do I need to do to receive this daily healing?
ANSWER: You don't need to do ANYTHING. There is nothing to show up for and nothing to attend. Although it is helpful for you to notice and celebrate the real changes you are experiencing so the higher frequencies can grow and accelerate even more.
Question: Where did this come from/why are you doing this?
ANSWER: Every new program that I offer comes from you, through me, for you. I meditate on what is needed next and I am nudged by deep guidance to create what you most require. I consider this a sacred channeled next step... AND your guides tell me it is what you have been asking for... that is, to experience deep, real, consistent continuing support. There are no accidents that you are reading this right now.
Question: What kind of changes can I expect to experience?
ANSWER: I will be helping to change the internal frequencies to ignite the shifts you have been wanting. Before you know it transformation will be happening. A momentum of seeing your life in new ways will start to show up. You will notice that the way you reacted to a situation just a few days ago is no longer a trigger. You will simply start feeling better. Your health, your outlook, your relationships will be improving. I'm so excited for what you are about to experience in your renewed life.

© 2007-2023 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Jennifer McLean,  McLean MasterWorks
4533 MacArthur Blvd #245, Newport Beach, CA 92660  Customer Support: 847-386-1464  I

Medical Disclaimer
The information provided through McLean Masterworks and its guests is not offered as medical advice and should not be considered medical advice. Nothing contained on this page or during this series is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment, and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any mental or physical health condition or treatment.